As Hilda Taba has indicated, curriculum developers need to employ decision making procedures that rest on multiple criteria and take into consideration a multiplicity of factors. The multiplicity of factors is obviously a reference factor such as administrative conditions under which the curriculum is to operate and …
There are as many interpretations of curriculum design as the definitions of curriculum. One of the most widely accepted is the one developed by Hilda Taba. “Curriculum design is a statement which identifies the elements of the curriculum, states what their relationships are to each other …
Introduction Curriculum design is seen differently by different people. However, it depends from where one is viewing the process. For example, in the classroom, the teacher is concerned with the design associated with mathematics. language arts, social studies etc. The principal views design from the position …
Child Development and Education Learning is modification of behavior through experience. There is a sort of interaction always going on between individual and his environment, both influencing and changing each other. He inherits only a few fixed patterns of responses. His interest, attitude, appreciation, skills and …
Definition and Meaning Gestalt psychology introduced by Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Kohler in 1922. It is revolt against Stimulus Response approach to learning. It pointed out two weakness in the theory of conditioning. Conditioning reduces complex human behavior to an accumulation of simple conditioned …
This teaching model is developed on the basis of selection and connecting. Skinner learning theory possesses the following elements Focus To Brining desirable change in behavior Syntax All teaching activities are divided into five steps in this model. Specifying the final performance Identification and definition of …
Meaning A general meaning of term “Model” is a representation, generally in miniature, or to show the structure as a copy of something or typical form and style. Definitions There several definitions of teaching model given by different educationist Nelson L Bossing (1970, P. 72) “Teaching …
Educational psychology is the applied branch of psychology. It consist of the application of psychological principles and techniques to human behavior in educational situations to the development of educational strategies and programs, problems and solutions. There are three focal areas of educational psychology: The Learners The …
There are various teaching method, communication media can also be used very easily. By using these instructional techniques, all the learning conditions are created and expected objective are achieved. Definition The presentation of teaching material in various forms for a single content called multimedia teaching. It …