Characteristics of Emotions The followings are the main features and characteristics of emotions: Emotional Experiences are Associated with Some Instinct or Biological Drives For example you get angry or worried because of something. All this is biological and instinctive emotional reactions. Emotions Bring Change That change …
In our daily life we attribute certain words to a specific person, like honest, aggressive, dull, intelligent etc. These attributes are commonly called traits. So every person has his/her own unique traits or attributes. Personally Traits Definition Traits have been defined by psychologists in various senses: …
Effective ways for Educators Dealing with Individual Difference The following guidelines can help educators to cope and deal with individual differences 1. Knowledge of Individual Personality The first step to deal with individual differences is the information about an individual choices, abilities, interest, and attitude. In …
Who is a Teacher Teacher is th one who acts as a filed worker in the educational programme. It is the teacher who has to make the programme successful or failure. Teacher role is, therefore very vital one, in order to make him capable of fulfilling …
Introduction Areas of Individual Differences Individuals have variety of differences. Some individual differences are natural to humans which cannot be controlled or changed and some can be changed and controlled by human beings living in society. These are the differences which makes humans different in various …
Below are the two functions of educational psychology To develop theories of learning and teaching and To formulate practical suggestions for the teaching learning processes These functions of educational psychology are discussed below in detail. Theories of Learning and Development A theory is set of related …
Pavlovs Classical Conditioning Theory Pavlovs classical conditioning theory considers learning as habit formation and is based on the principle of association and substitution. It is simply stimulus-response type of learning where in place of a natural stimulus like food, water, and sexual contact etc. the artificial …
Carl Rogers was born on January 8th, 1902 in Chicago, USA. Carl Rogers was born on January 8th, 1902 in Chicago, USA. After some practical experience in the field of psychology, in 1940s and 1950s he developed this theory which is also known as Carl Rogers …