Scope of Educational Psychology The scope of educational psychology is as vast as education and psychology are themselves. With the rapid changes in social life and especially the role of information technology have brought great impacts upon educational process. New and modern situation needs new approaches …
What is Psychology Psychology has become a separate and well organized field of knowledge in all fields of social life. Previously to study human behavior and mind there was a separate study subject, which was known as the mental philosophy. So we can say that today’s …
What is Growth and Development Growth and development in education has specific meanings and both are relates to each other. The following comparison will clarify the differences between growth and development. What is Growth It is indicative i.e. increase in body, size, weight etc. It is …
What is Psychology The word psychology is the combination of two Greek words psyche (Soul, mind, self and logy (study, investigate). In simple words psychology investigate, the mental process, and its manifestations in social relations of men and animals. In this background psychology has great importance …
What is Child Social Development When a child grows he does not only show growth and development in physical, mental, and emotional levels, but also on social level too. Child social activities grow with the passage of time, that is called socialization process, which continues throughout …