There are some suggestion for the graduate students and researchers which are drawn from the different areas of education, social sciences as well as psychology. There are two factors in the selection of topic external and personal. External criteria involves how the topic is important for …
Source of Knowledge. Social research is an important source of knowledge. It opens new ways of knowledge and wisdom. When something unknown brings to a researcher, there is a sort of inner pleasure and happiness. It gives knowledge to the researcher about the unknown facts. It …
Followings are the main Characteristics of Social Research Accuracy & Precision Accuracy and precision are also the basic requirements for a research. A researcher brought its views must be accurate and precise to the problematic situation. For example someone says that the illiteracy or literacy rate …
Meaning of Social Research Social Research is a composite of two words “re means again” and search which means to find or to dig or to discover. So the whole word means a process of finding or digging again & again. Literally, research means investigation undertaken …
There are two schools of thoughts. One believes that sovereignty is unlimited, absolute and supreme. That is another school of thought that rejects this view. They point out many limitations of sovereignty such as: Constitutional Limitations of Sovereignty The constitution is the basic law of a …