What is Community
Socrates had said about the person who is independent of his fellow beings and is unable to live in community or society is either Beast or God. Community is the combination of two Latin words i.e. ‘cam’ means together and ‘munis’ means serve i.e. .serve together is called community.
Men are like trees need roots therefore they must have a soil to root themselves where groups of men living together can create some attachment to a particular locality. Men have never lived alone. A basic requirement of existence has been the social bonds that unite each man to others, the closest being those of the family and close kin groups. But other wider social bonds have ever been needed to linkman to more extensive social arrangement. The structure developed from these more public ties has been called communities.
The members of any group small or large, liver together in such a way that they share, not this or that particular interest, but the basic conditions of a common life. The basic condition of the concept is that one can live a whole life within a community i.e. city, tribe or village. It may be self-sufficient in fulfillment of basic needs. Small communities exist within larger communities as cities within district, within a province the provinces within larger communities as cities within district, the districts within a province, the provinces within the whole state and the states within the whole world.
In simple terms a community is a population rooted in one place where the daily life of each member involves contact with and dependence on other members. Taken together, the wide variety of tasks performed by members within are an attempt to ensure that ensure that social and economic needs will be met in a stable and predictable way.
Definitions of Community
Bogardes: It is a social group with some degree of “we feeling and living in a given area”
W. Ogburn: “Total organization of social life with in a limited area”
Definition of community according to Davis: “It is the smallest territorial group that can embrace all aspects of social life”
Bertrand definition of community is a functionally related aggregate of people who live in a particular geographical locality at a particular time, show a common culture, are arranged in a social structure, exhibit an awareness of their uniqueness and separate identity as a group.