What are Characteristics of Social Theory
Following are the main characteristics of sociological theory.
- Sociological theory is a set of well-defined concepts.
- These concepts are inter-related and have a link with each other.
- The propositions contains at least two interrelated concepts.
- There would be logical explanation in these propositions.
- A theory leads to a reliable prediction.
- A sociological theory is subjected to versification through well-organized methods and techniques.
- A theory is a scientific and systematic symbolic construction.
- A theory is a form work to collect, systematize and interrelated facts.
- Sociological theory is provisional in character.
- Theory is formulated in systematize way.
- The propositions in a theory must make distinction between independent and dependent variables.
- Theory is subjected to verification in initial stages.
- A sociological theory must be valid and reasonable.
- A theory must be precise in nature.
- A theory should be comprehensive and would be a curiosity (wonderful) or unique thing.
In short we can say that, a sociological theory is a scientific discipline contains a set of well-defined concepts and interrelated propositions. The construction of sociological theory would be through a systematic and organized way which is verifiable. It should be valid, precise; adequate and scientific in nature.
Functions of Sociological Theory
Following are the major functions of sociological theory.
- Theory play a vital role in the digging and solution of various social problems.
- Theory is responsible to produce rich and meaningful hypothesis.
- Theory is a source and method for sociological inquiry.
- Theory establishes a link between specific empirical findings and general sociological orientation.
- Theory guides a researcher and narrows down the range of facts.
- More and more investigation is due to sociological theory.
- Theory formulates research design and is a tool of inquiry.
- Theory fills the gaps in our knowledge.
- Theory supports the laws to establish.
- Theory predicts facts and a theoretical system provides a secure ground for prediction.