Advantages of Globalization
Following are the advantages of globalization
Easier and Faster Communication
With the inception of the modern means and latest technologies throughout the globe, all sorts of information and communications have become very easy and faster. Gone are the days when we would have to wait for days, weeks or months to receive a message or a guest of ours. Interestingly, now you can talk/consult anyone anywhere in any corner of the globe with in no time on phones, e-mail or internet and, if not possible, can reach to him by travelling there provided you have the resources. This is such a situation which the earlier people might not have even thought of.
Commercial and Trading Activities are Accelerated
No doubt with the help of information technology and transportation facilities trading activities across the globe are accelerating. Export and import rules are being relaxed so that all could benefit properly, but finally those nations would dominate who do not have any trade deficit. This would result in the domination of one or a few countries. However, if so fair rules are formulated for this purpose, then it is hoped that trading and commerce activities will remain balanced.
Jobs Opportunities
As access to all the multi-national companies and other similar agencies becomes easier in these circumstances, the skilled and highly qualified persons get better jobs, leaving room for others to substitute them.
Technological Development and Improvement of Know How
When the world has become just like a global village all fields of life would get acceleration. Furthermore, there is the possibility of uniform development. Because if the world nations want to maintain peace and harmony throughout the globe, they would have to do so. Besides, among the citizens of developed and developing countries the know-how would further improve.
Means of Rescue
The whole world now being like a globe, its miseries are always mostly felt by all equally. Though, there are still elements who are always promoting negative perceptions, yet majority of the world nations are always extending generous assistance to others who are facing some calamities. We can thus say that the nations of the world, now can easily come to the rescue of victims, who so ever they may be.
Globalization itself is good but the related challenges would have to be faced by the less developed and developing countries like ours courageously, otherwise it would really create problems for us.