Every economy has to go through certain functions or it would face problems economically and this is the obligatory duty of the government to see that the economy runs as smoothly possible. Before going to discuss this topic, first we shoud understand economic system and 4 …
What is the Scope of Philosophy of Education The Scope of philosophy of education is unlimited. The formulation of aims and the objectives of education is the main responsibility of educational philosophy. For achieving the set objectives, specific curriculum and specific methods are needed. For example, …
The word “Ideology” (Late 18th century, from French ideologic, literally “Science of Ideas), is defined as a closely organized system of beliefs, values, and ideas forming the basis of a social, economic, educational or political philosophy or programme. It is also defined as a set of …
Psychology is the “science of mind and behavior”, Silverman (1874) defines psychology as “the science that seeks to describe and explain and on decision, to change the behaviour of man and other animals.” Education also means change in the behaviour of an individual. So, education and …
Religion is considered to be the most important foundation of education. It has a great effect and influence on the education system of a nation Religion means “people’s beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of the Deity or deities, and divine involvement in …
Society is defined as “A collection of individual who have organized themselves into a distinct group.” Culture is defined as “A kind of social cement that consists of the characteristic habits, ideas, attitudes, beliefs and ways of thinking of a particular group of people.” Now after …
What is business, what is the nature of business & what are characteristics of business? What is Business Business denotes busi-ness, that is the state of being busy – any activity in which one keeps himself busy. But the economic term of business refers to work, …
Business Cycle occurs due to numbers of factors and causes, these causes are classified into: 1. External Causes of Business Cycle 2. Internal Causes of Business Cycle External Factors of Business Cycle 1. Wars. In war days all the available resources are utilized for the production …