History of Community Development in Pakistan Community development programs were slowly and gradually developed in Pakistani society due to its rigidity, traditionalism and resistance. The change started with the development technology, economy and other changes in community people as well as in cities and villages. The …
In all business undertakings in the private sector, the main motive is to earn profit. Profit is the driving force before and after entering into the business field. Infact profit is the oil which drives the wheels of business. Profit is the total revenue from sales …
Following are the main measure which can be suggested for the effective control of business cycle fluctuation. 1. Monetary Policy 2. Fiscal Policy 3. State Control of Private Investment 4. International Measures to Control of Business Cycle Fluctuation 5. Reorganization of Economic System 1. Monetary Policy …
The management succeeds where it is managed by men of quality, integrity, purpose and honesty. The men managing the business affairs are supposed to the leader. They must lead with foresight, vision, vigor and above all with integrity and honesty. Following are the qualities of a …
How to Build a Successful Business Building a successful business requires to fulfill its obligations to itself, stakeholders and society. A business is required to render worthwhile service to the consuming public. Thus the business can do by making a quality product at a lowest possible …
Once Henry Ford said “the best way to make money is not to think too much about making it”, in the light of the observation raised by Henry Ford discuss the changing philosophy of business. Is business responsible to the society? Changing Philosophy of Business There …
What is Meant by Teaching Teaching means an intimate contract between a more mature personality and a less mature one, which is designed for the further education of the latter. Teaching is an arrangement and manipulation of a situation in which there are gaps or obstructions, …