Secondary Sources of Islamic Law Below are the important secondary sources of Islamic law Ijma (Consensus of the Opinion) Ijma the secondary source of Islamic law, which means the general agreement or consensus among the Muslim community about any matter affecting the Muslims in the light …
Primary Sources of Islamic Law Following are the primary sources of Islamic law The Holy Quran The Quran is the original and one of the primary sources of Islamic Law. Almost all the rules of socio-economic, political and moral life of an individual are derived from …
Advantages of Democracy The following paragraphs are in favor of democracy It has Great Educative Value Democracy also provides education and training both to the people as well as to the representatives. The people by using their votes elect representatives. They may elect wrong representatives in …
Disadvantages of Democracy The following are the demerits or disadvantages of democracy Democracy is Impracticable The reason for this is that common man is neither wise nor intelligent nor rational but democracy believes in these things. Besides politics is something highly technical and complex. A common …
Tests of Democracy Democracy is a system of government which is based on the will of the people. In order to know which state or government is democratic, we have found out the following tests: Does the right of free expression of opinion and opposition exist? …
Advantages and disadvantages of Dictatorship or Totalitarianism Every form of government has some merits and demerits. Following are some the advantages and disadvantages of dictatorship or totalitarianism. Advantages of Dictatorship Following are the merits of dictatorship Dictatorship establishes a strong government. As there is no opposition, …