Origin of State Aristotle, the father of political science, says that person is a social animal and is different from the other animals because of his civilized nature or nature of going from good to better and from better to the best. Human progress and cultured …
Difference between Measurement and Evaluation The main difference between evaluation and measurement may be explained with the help of following examples. A teacher measures Mr. Aslam’s height to be 180cm He evaluates-his height when he says that he is long. A teacher measures Mr. Ali’s achievement …
Relationship between Measurement and Evaluation Evaluation is integrated with the entire task of education and not only with examinations, tests and measurements. Evaluation encompasses tests and measurement but also gives beyond them. It depends upon measurement but is not synonymous with it. Measurement is a quantitative …
Concept of Educational Measurement The term “Educational Measurement” refers to any device for the general study and practice of testing, scaling, and appraising the outcomes of educational process. It includes administration and scoring or tests, scale construction, validation and standardization, and application of statistical techniques in …
Philosophy of Evaluation In Education Evaluation is based two philosophies one, traditional philosophy is that ability to learn is randomly distributed in the general population. It means that if some learning task is assigned to a class and then a test is administered to study their …
Concept of Educational Evaluation Educational Evaluation is broader in scope and more objective than educational measurement. It is the process of carefully appraising the individual form a variety of information giving device. Resides testing and other tools of measurement, evaluation seeks additional evidences form various sources …
The Nature and Purpose of Educational Evaluation The purpose of educational evaluation is to make a judgment about the quality or worth of something an educational programme, worker performance or proficiency or students attainments. That is what we attempt to do when we evaluate students’ achievements, …
What is Secularism By secularism or secular concept of the State is meant that the State is separate from religion. It means, in other words, that the State has nothing to do with religion, while religion, i.e. church, is not to interfere in matters of politics …