Characteristics of Federalism The following are the important characteristics of federalism also known as federal form of government. Supremacy of the Constitution an important Feature of Federalism A federation is an agreement between two or more sovereign states to create a new state in which each …
Introduction Plato Communism Plato Communism is a heroic remedy for a desperate evil – the union of Political Power and economic temptation in the one and the same hands, which is not wholly without local support, institutional and ideological. Plato’s Communism is a heroic remedy for …
Introduction Plato Theory of Justice The sub-title of the “Republic” shows the extra-ordinary importance; which Plato attached to justice. Plato wanted to bring to an end the prevailing degenerate conditions and political selfishness rampant in Athens, in order to save his beloved Athens from decay and …
Introduction of Plato on Education Plato believed that the state could promote justice and right action and prevent crime by a proper system or education. His education scheme is compulsory; state regulated and is meant for both the sexes. By this method, Plato wanted to exclude …
Concepts of Curriculum There are two concepts of curriculum Traditional Concept of Curriculum Modern Concept of Curriculum Traditional Concept of Curriculum In the past the second name of curriculum was “course of studies”. This term was considered to be a program related to various subjects only. …
What is Philosophy of Education When a thinker thinks about the educational problems and forwards his opinion about the same, he becomes a ‘philosopher’. It means that whenever a philosophical thinking is executed in the educational issues and concepts; and philosophical method is adopted ‘educational philosophy’ …
Parliamentary system has been taken from the United Kingdom because U.K. constitution is the mother constitution of parliamentarianism. It is also called ministerial or cabinet system. Cabinet or parliamentary form of government is that in which: Legislature and executive are closely related and share powers with …
What is Parliamentary System On the basis of the relationship between the legislature and the executive we have two types of governments namely the Parliamentary and the Presidential. In a Parliamentary system the legislative and the executive department of the government are very closely related and …