Characteristics of Communist System Following are the Characteristics of Communism Abolition of Private Property The first feature of the communist economic system is the abolition of the private ownership of means of production. In this system, an individual can own nothing except necessaries of life. No …
Conventions of British Constitution Constitutional conventions are political traditions or constitutional understandings or practices forming an essential part or a constitution, but are not law in the strict sense of term because the courts enforce a law while conventions are not taken notice of by the …
Sources of British Constitution The UK constitution is a composite of character and statue, of judicial decisions, of common law, of precedents, usages and traditions. It is not one document, but thousands of them. There are several sources of British Constitution. Historic Documents There are, in …
Salient Features of the British Constitution Following are some salient features of the British constitution Mostly Unwritten and Partly Written By far the most important feature of British constitution is its unwritten character. There is no such thing as written, precise and compact document, which may …
What are the major Causes of Failure of President Muhammad Ayub Khan Regime Introduction In the midst 1950s Pakistan was like Hobbes State of Nature. The political situation was deteriorating day by day. So on October 7th 1958, President Maj. Gen. Sikander Mirza imposed Martial Law …
Introduction to Islamic Provision in Constitution of 1956 Pakistan is an ideological State because it was achieved in the name of Islam. After its establishment, efforts for making Pakistan to be an Islamic republic took momentum and due to the opposition of Western educated intellectual elites, …