Introduction Case Study Method of Data Collection The credit of introducing case study method goes to Frederic Leplay, an English philosopher. Herbert Spencer adopted it and Healey was the first who supported this method and studied Juvenile Delinquency. Later on sociologists, Anthropologists, Ethnologists and other researcher …
Non probability sample mehtod does not involve random selection and sampling like probably sampling. So we can say that it is not necessary to respect the population. Unlike probability sampling, it does not depend on rationale of probability theory. With probabilistic technique we can have a …
In probability sampling each element has a probability of being including in sampling. It means that in probability sampling, the selection sample from the universe has an equal chance to all the members. There are four types of Probability Sampling. Simple random sampling Stratified random sampling …
According to Franklin G Miller “department is a work group performances certain word. It is a division, branch, or area under the direction of man”. Departmentalization is a process of dividing the whole of enterprise into groups and sub-groups. But decentralization refers to a decision on …
What is Decentralization Decentralization is opposite to centralization where there is no concentration of authority instead diffusion is planned and executed. Decentralization emerges from the principles of delegation. Delegation plays role of a peace-maker in decentralization, without it, might have been a distant possibility. Delegation makes …
Every organization structure in the beginning starts with centralized management structure. But with its every growth it tends to decentralize and really after its full growth it cannot remain centralized. Delays and difficulties of centralization yield to decentralization but does not mean that centralization is never …
Meaning of Centralization Centralization means concentration of authority few hands. Centralization thus refers to reservation of authority of decision making. No one at any level, except on the top, is authorized to take decisions. The subordinate’s job is to carry out the decisions taken. Henri Fayol …