What is Barter System Money is a significant medium used as a payment for commodities. It facilitates the exchange and production of output. It is also accepted for repayment of debts. It can perform a number of functions such as a medium of exchange, a unit …
Following are the causes of inflation Increase in the Quantity of Money When the quantity of money in circulation is increased, the aggregate demand for goods and services also expands which onward exceeds the aggregate supply. Due to higher demand and lower supply too much money …
By inflation we mean rising of prices but on the other hand it is also a reduction in the value of money. The reduction in the value of money affects the entire economy. The effects of inflation on economy, individual & business discussed in the following …
A more reliable approach towards the methodology of economic analysis was introduced by the “German Historical School of Economists” in the form of inductive method. The German school was represented by famous economists like Roscher, Hilbrand and Frederick. They were of the view that deductive method …
Deductive method is known by variety of its names like analytical, abstract or prior method. This method is also known as hypothetical method. This method is based on the process of model building where conclusions are derived from general principles. When economic analysis is conducted through …
Nowadays advanced survey software make it easy to develop survey and mostly researchers gathers information online. If respondents are accessible then I personally don’t prefer this data collection mode. Whether a searcher select online survey or paper survey it should focus on study type and the …
Following are the various types of social survey. Regular & Adhoc When an organization whether public or private or individual conduct survey at regular intervals, it is called regular survey e.g. population census, economics survey, educational survey. That type of survey takes place every five or …
Historical Background of Survey The world social survey was firstly used by heredities during 300B-C for population study in Egypt. Secondly it was used John Howard for prisons and prisoners in Wales and England. French reformers also undertaken it for the conditions of workers after industrialization …