There are various types of interview which are discussed in detail. Structured and Unstructured Interview Structured interview means for which a pre-planned questions and answers are made or a guiding paper has made which is followed by the interviewer. While unstructured interview is that in which …
What is Focused Group Discussion Focused group discussion is an approach which is used to collect relevant information about an issue from the respondents in a friendly meeting, who express their views openly. Focused group discussion consists of the following two panels. Research investigators. Informants or …
What is Interview Schedule A schedule is a set of questions with structured answers to guide an observer interviewer, researcher or investigator. It is a plan or guide line for investigation. According to, Thomas Carson, the schedule is nothing but a list of questions which is …
Following are the major part while preparing a questionnaire for research Front page The questionnaire should have a front page with title and sub-title. It have the name of the investigator and the sponsoring organization or agency. Study and Consultation The investigator should have the relevant …
Following are the types or forms of questionnaire. Structured Questionnaire A structured questionnaire is that one which has pre-determined questions with answers. The respondents only tick the correct answer in short term “yes” or “No”. It is also called pre-coded, closed restricted and categorical questionnaire. Advantages …
Meaning of Questionnaire Questionnaire contains a series of questions designed to gather particular information. It is used in different fields like business, sciences, and social sciences. It is a research instrument having sequence of questions with a purpose to get information from respondents and extract desired …
Below are the different types of observations Participant observation Participant observation was first introduced by Prof. Edward Winder Man. It means the activities of a group in which an observer himself participate and note the situation. He willingly mixes with the group and perform his activities …