Education may be seen as preserved and transmitter of cultural heritage as well as transform’ g agent and school has to carry out these functions. These functions largely depend upon curricula. So if the change is approved by the society, it may see success otherwise society …
Community changes have strong impact on the education both on content and methodology. This implies the following basic needs from the curriculum development point of view Need for a new common sense. Realistic social understanding. Eliminate class bias from the curriculum. Methods and techniques of resolving …
The children of today need to be so educated that they become the responsible citizens of tomorrow. As such, they are our hope for the future. The challenges to be met and the ideals to be realized can be taken care of only by them. Whatever …
Geography is concerned with the relationship of human beings with their environment. It studies the how the people cope and influence with their environment. It is concerned with the behavior of an individual in a particularly area. So, demography is the study of the human population …
To retrain the skilled people of organization, there are some morale building tactics must be in place in the workplace. To implement the strategy to need to understand the problem. The following are few steps which may be taken by the manger to build the morale …
Meaning of Morale “Motivation is intimately connected with the morale. Good motivation leads to high morale. Poor morale is the manifestation of a weak or defective motivating process”. Mrityunjay Banerjee. Physical and mental well-being of an individual is morale for a psychologist. For a social scientist …