Indian Council of Ministers is the Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister and consisting of other Minister. All of them, are appointed by the President to aid and advise him in the exercise of his functions. The Indian constitution does not mention that the President will …
The Indian constitution has very marvelous features which differentiate it from other constitutions. The makers studied different constitution, grasp and added the important features in Indian constitution. indian constitution borrowed from other constitutions it does not mean that it is fully borrowed on but definitely influenced …
The constitution of the fifth Republic makes a distinction, though only an academia one, between the President and the government. The President is the head of the State with-important and real executive powers. The French government includes the Prime Minister and other, Ministers, who have the …
French President Vs US President The French President of Republic occupies the most important position in the governmental, system of France. In some respects he resembles the President of the USA and in some the British Premier. In many ways, the French President combines the prestige …
French President as a Constitutional Head of State The French president performs all those functions, which are usually performed by a constitutional head of a State. He appoints the Prime Minister and terminates his functions when the latter presents his resignation of government. He performs all …
In 1958, France witnessed a grave and very critical situation. On June 1st 1958, the Fourth Republic came to an end. The National Assembly handed over its law-making power to Gen. De Gaulle and adjourned. Constitution making was one of the functions that had been assigned …
France, officially known as French Republic or Republic of France is the third largest country in Europe after Russia and Ukraine and the Fourth most populous nation. France is also one of the oldest states in the West. One cannot say about its earliest inhabitants. Its …
Legislative Powers As compared to the Senate, the House of Representatives has less authority. It enjoys equal and coordinate authority with the Senate in legislative and financial spheres. Ordinarily, bill can originate in either House but money bills can only be originated in the House of …
Introduction to House of Representatives While the Senate represents the states, on the federal principle of equality, the House of Representative represents the US citizens on national principle based on population. The total strength of the House of Representatives is 438. The number of representatives for …
Legislative Powers The Senate enjoys equal and co-ordinate legislative authority with the House of Representatives. Ordinary bills may be initiated in either House but the money bills can only be originated in the Lower House. As regards ordinary legislation, the legislative history of the Congress shows …