Traditional Society Definition and Meaning
In sociology, most traditional societies are related to the past events with an important role for custom and habit. These are clustered in few dozens to thousand. They lack political leadership. They don’t welcome any outsider.
Traditional society has fewer social institutions. Simple culture with old ways of life exists. Means of communication were very slow and old. Urban life was very rarely found. Social changes were minimum and almost invisible. The population in such society is not much and homogeneous social life is found. Its main challenge is the adoption of positive things for outside while retaining the main features of their own.
Characteristics of Traditional Society
Slow social interaction: Social interaction among members is very slow Modern swift communication devices like mobile phone, fax, telephone and internet are not use for, the purpose. This is just due to the slow pace of life.
Lack of modern communication facilities: Modern communication facilities like telephone, gas, electricity, internet, fax; mobile phone, airport etc. are not available. People are, mostly dependent on traditional modes like postal service, telegram etc.
Limited social institutions: Only basic social institutions are found with very poor resources fulfilling the basic needs of the people. Working organizations or sub-institutions of basic institutions are not found for which they have to travel to the cities for need satisfaction.
Non-industrial structure: Structure is non industrial. People are associated with agriculture profession.
Simple economic institutions: Industrialization and its related profession are lack type of society. Due to this, simple economic professions are found. Most of the people are associated with agriculture, labor, and small scale business.
Simple way of living: Simple way of living along with old pattern of houses are common. Facilities like electricity, gas and telephone are rarely available.
Kacha tracks and roads: Paved road network for cars and other heavy vehicles are rarely found. Although kacha tracks are available for tongas bull cart etc.
Small population: Population size of this type of society is very small. People are scattered and settled on their land.
Lack of invention: People do not want to invent something new. Rather they discourage inventions and resist to social change.
Less social change: Very lesser degree of social change takes place. People adopt only those changes which are compatible to their-socio-economic needs and tastes.
Lack of basic civic facilities: Basic civic facilities like electricity, gas, telephone, drinking water system, mobile phone, fax, internet, road networks, air ports, shopping mall and commercial center etc. are not available.
Protection of religious and cultural values: These people are the true guardians of religious and cultural values.