Introduction to House of Representatives
While the Senate represents the states, on the federal principle of equality, the House of Representative represents the US citizens on national principle based on population. The total strength of the House of Representatives is 438. The number of representatives for each state is fixed by the Congress in proportion to its population. The constitution of the USA says that no representative shall represent less than 30,000 citizens and each state must send at least one representative. Its term of office is 2 years and it cannot be dissolved earlier. It meets at regular intervals though special sessions can be convened by the President any time.
The House meets every year on third of January and remains in session until its member vote to adjourn. Both the House also adjourns simultaneously. In case of disagreement the President’s decision is final.
A candidate to become member of the U.S House of Representatives must possess the following qualifications:
- He must be at least 25 years of age.
- The Must have been a resident of the USA for at least 7 years.
- He must be a resident of the state from which he’ wants to contest election.
- He must riot hold any office of profit under the government of US.
- He must not be unsound mind, criminal or offender.
Presiding Officer
The House elects its own Speaker who presides over its sessions. His election is held purely on party He is the nominee of the majority party. Unlike…British Speaker, he openly defends his party in all political battles within the House.
Committee of the House
The House elects a number of standing and regular committees from amongst its own members. There committees examine all the bills referred to them and in most cases, they introduce the bills in the House.
As on January 2010 members of the U.S House of Representatives gets an annual salary or $223,500. Source: They are free from arrest except for treason and break of peace (also violation of the Constitution) during the sessions of the House and while going and retiring from House. They also enjoy freedom of speech on the floor of the House.