The Perspective and Philosophy of Education
To know the past, present and the future problems of a teacher, the study of the history of education in general and that of the contemporary issues in particular is very much essential. Not only it plays an important role to make him a successful teacher, but it gives courage and a moral support to him. When he is aware of the odds and hardships faced by those preceding personalities who were involved in the teaching and learning profession, he compares and contrasts his own atmosphere with that of them; hence he learns more and more. Each system of education sets its own aims and objectives which vary from time to time, environment to environment and from nation to nation.
The following descriptions would further elaborate the perspective and philosophy of education.
- Apparently not of immediate importance of teaching / learning process in a class room, the acquisition of a grounding of knowledge about the perspectives of education is undoubtedly of great importance for everyone involved in work in schools, as this helps in envisaging the future plans. The collective memory of the past is vital for a teacher. By the very nature of his work, the teacher will have a significant impact on the future.
- Without recapitulation of the past theories, events, struggles, movements and changes, it is difficult for anyone, including teachers and educators of all kinds, to make sense of the contemporary content in which they practice their profession. In addition to that accurate comprehension of the education itself and its allied complexes, could easily be attained with the help of this study.
- Research, experimentation, procuring feedback and further progress become more difficult for a teacher in the absence of the knowledge of past histories.
- In the life of a teacher no improvement, development and refinement tend to have a greater chance of success if the achievements and mistakes of the past are not acknowledged as well as analyzed.
- The collective memory of the past is vital enabling the reader to conceive a picture of a harmoniously developed human being especially a teacher.
- To reflect on the errors and the advancement made throughout the world, so far, this study is much more essential for trainee teachers.
- This study makes one educative and aware of the aggregation of facts and events. It also bears upon to study the past, to know the present and to build the future.
- This study further supplements the cognitive domain of the teacher besides a lot more.
- He is acquainted with numerous new and old pedagogical experimentation which helps in the refinement of his skill and job.
- This study enhances the performance of teachers, emancipates them from the clutches of dependencies.
- Information like this and some more could be obtained from the study under reference, which equips a teacher to meet challenges.