Learner Centered curriculum the center of interest is the learner. The students are given more importance in this type of curriculum design. Most of the education experts and educational psychologists are in favor of this learner centered curriculum. First of all Rousseau emphasized that education should be according to the interests of the child. He should be provided a free and democratic environment. The interest of the child should be a base for the curriculum design. Learner centered design emphasizes individual development and their approach to organizing the curriculum merges from the needs, interests and purposes of students. Dewey’s contribution in this respect is an important one. He organized so many child centered activity programmes. These programmes were based on the scientific study of child’s mental, physical, social and spiritual characteristics and needs.
Principles of Students Centered Curriculum
The following are the principles of learner centered curriculum.
- Freedom to develop naturally
- The teacher role is that of a guide
- Interest is the motive of all work
- Scientific study of pupil development
- Co-operation between the school and home to meet the needs of child-life
Characteristics of Learner Centred Curriculum
Following are some basic characteristics of students centred curriculum
- This type of curriculum gives importance to learner and considers child as the centre of interest which is the most natural approach.
- The interest of the child is the most important factor in the process of teaching and learning. This factor is highly emphasized in this type-of curriculum.
- In this curriculum the teacher’s role is not that of a task-master but that of a guide. In this curriculum, the child is treated as, plant, the teacher as gardener and the school as a garden. Thus, and child grows and develops in a natural atmosphere.
- Students centered curriculum gives several options (special activities, exploratory courses and other experiences) to the students. The options are based on knowledge of learner characteristics.
- Students are actively involved in planning and evaluation of the options in general and for themselves in particular.
- Learner centered curriculum points out that “the more experience in life a child has the more eager he will to learn.”