Simulated Teaching Definition
Simulation means role-playing or rehearsal in which the process of teaching is carried out artificially. It is based on socio-drama. The main aspect of simulation in teaching is the introduction of a student-teacher to teaching in a non-stressful conditions.
following are some of the definitions of simulated teaching
- Simulation can be defined as: “Mechanism of feedback devices to induce certain desirable behaviour among pupil-teachers by role-playing of the teacher in their won group as an artificial situation of classroom teaching”.
- According to Webster’s Dictionary, “Simulation is defined as giving the appearance of or effort of, to have characteristic”.
- According to Tansey, “Simulation in the all-inclusive term which contains these activities which produce artificial environments or which provide artificial experiences for the participants in the activity. It is reproduction of the reality.”
- According to Fink, “Simulation is the controlled representation of reality.”
Characteristics of Simulated Teaching
There are three important characteristics of simulating teaching.
- Simulated teaching implies an analysis of teaching act and of the teaching situation from the point of view of the learner.
- It is plotting of the real situation and capturing the essential which forms part of it.
- It is dependent upon empathetic understanding of the reality content on the part of participant, the practicing teacher.
Assumption of Simulated Teaching
- Teacher behavior is modifiable by the use of feedback devices.
- There are certain social-communication skills of teacher behavior which are essential for effective teaching. These social skills should be modified by feedback device.
- Through role playing, the psychological appreciation of the classroom problems will grow and develop in the pupil-teacher a basis for handling the problem in the class.
- Teacher behavior has its taxonomy which is developed by Karl Openshaw by using simulated teaching technique
Procedure of Simulation in Teaching
Simulated teaching is usually used in teacher-education. It is employed before sending the pupil-teachers to actual teaching. It helps in developing social-skills among pupil-teachers. According to Cruick Shank, pupil-teacher has to play three roles:
- The teacher,
- The pupil and
- The observer,
There are three elements in simulated training technique:
- Diagnosis
- Prescription
- Evaluation
Every element has its own importance in the process. At first the teacher makes effort to understand the learners. At this stage he becomes aware of the weakness, attitudes and preferences etc. and suggest student to learn accordingly. At this stage the teacher has to satisfy himself that the subject matter is useful for the student. After that he adopts the appropriate method to impart education to the students. Finally, evaluation is made if reveals the success or failure of the teachers and also the weakness and achievements of students.