There are four major principles of delegation can help the manager in the office in process of delegation.
- Principle of expected results
- Principle of parity of authority and responsibility
- Principle of delegation of authority
- Principle of unity of command
Principle of Expected Results
Duties are assigned in terms of expected results. For this personnel’s must know what activities they are to undertake and what results they are to show. When goals are decided and they are in know of the criteria on the basis of which their performance is going to be evaluated, and then personal’s try to channelize their efforts to realize the goal.
Principle of Delegation of Authority
Only delegation of authority is possible. Responsibility can never be delegated. It is only shared. Responsibility could be reduced and help can be taken in getting the assigned work accomplished according to instructions. But responsibility will remain there where it was. An executive, therefore, delegates his authority but even after such delegation he still remains responsible for his assigned job.
Principle of Parity of Authority and Responsibility
If anyone is assigned any duty he must be vested with requisite authority to carry out his responsibility.
Principle of Unity Command
In order to avoid shirking of responsibilities, abusing authority and evading accountability it is necessary that the command, direction and guidance should come from one supervisor. Minus command, direction and guidance other assignments may be delegated, this encourages cooperation. Discipline is maintained. Unity of purpose is also strengthened due to this principle of delegation.