Identify Propaganda Propaganda is dissemination of ideas and information for the purpose of inducing or intensifying specific attitudes and actions. Propaganda is actually and frequently accompanied by distortions of fact and by appeals to passion and prejudice, it is often thought to be invariably false or …
There are four elements or ingredients or characteristics of state i.e. population, territory, government and sovereignty. Hence the state cannot be imagined without Sovereignty. It is Sovereignty that not only distinguishes the state from other associations, but also gives it superiority over them. The precise and …
A Russian philosopher V. Sovovyer in 19th century pointed out that the extreme forms of Nationalism destroy a nation and for the human being, it makes enemies. Following are the example in this regard. French Nationalism that was homogeneous in nature maintained by Maximillian. He said …
When we look into nations and nationalism, we should separate physical characteristics which unify nations from spiritual ones which guide nations. Here we cannot ignore the factors like culture tradition language religion, common economic interest racial unity and conflict and war. Human Nature The first root …
J.H.Hays has described five successive stages of nationalism i.e. humanitarian, Jacobian, traditional, liberal and integral. “The first three fall in 18th century and liberal nationalism took place in 19th century while integral is primarily growth of 20th century. The last stage is characterized by the policies …
Many scholars believe that there are many forms of nationalism. Nationalism may manifest itself as an integral part of state ideology and expressed same as civic, religious, ethnic and cultural lines. Follwing are the diferent types of nationalism in international relations. Liberal nationalism Aggressive nationalism Totalitarian …
Approach is a way of looking at and then explaining a particular phenomenon. The perspective may be broad enough to cover a vast area like World as a whole, or it may be very small embracing an aspect of local, regional, national or international politics. Besides, …