It is an era of technology and competition amongst individual, firms, companies and organizations whether these are from some private or belong to public sector. So, the success of these establishments lies in selecting / attracting skilled and qualified persons towards them, because ultimately such type of recruitment directly or indirectly help in progressing the companies. Thus the recruitment and placement of people is very difficult task for a management of a company.
Attracting Prospective Employees
Recruitment frequently is treated as if it were a one-way process – something organizations do to search for prospective employees. This approach may be termed as prospecting theory of recruitment. But actually prospective employees seek out organization just as organization seeks them out. This view termed a “mating” theory of recruitment following be kept in view while attracting the prospective candidates:
- Common Communication Medium.The organization advertises must ensure that candidates are reading that trade journal.
- Matching personal Characteristics Of The Candidates With The Job Requirements. The candidates should be able to understand that his characteristics do matching with requirements of the asked jobs.
- Motivating the candidate to apply. The advertisement should be able to motivate the candidates to apply for the job.
- Skill and qualification. It should be reveled very clearly that only skilled and qualifies candidates can apply.
- Handsome salary.The salary must be commensurate with the experience, skilled and qualifications.
- Additional facilities.The additional facilities showing comparison of various level jobs be reflected while communicating.
- Credibility of company. The prospective candidates always see the creditability of the company prior of his join. So company must mention some where for the attraction of the applicants. This credibility can be in the shape of shares, assets, past history of thee company, and mention of renowned persons if serving or owner of the company.
- Equal chances for men and women.The equal chance of selection be given to the persons.
- Promotion criteria. The company must mention an attractive promotion criterion in while publicity of the job.
The Most Crucial Issues
The most crucial issue for the manger of any firm is to establishing the firm, recruitment, selection and lay off the workers in case of requirement. Lets discuss one by one that we can tackle these problems.
- Relocation especially with higher-level jobs, newly recruited managers expect some form of relocation assistance. Such assistance may include disposal of the residence left behind, as well as payment of lease breaking expenses, temporary living expenses and moving costs.
- Help for the Trailing Spouse Prodded by the emergence of the dual career family, firm’s area finding that many managers and professionals. Men and women alike are reluctant to relocate unless the spouse will be able to find suitable employment in a new location
- Sign in Bonuses Another recruiting inducement independent of any relocation assistance is the sign-on bonus. Originally used in the sports world, signing bonuses are now common among executives’ professionals (particularly in high technology firms) and middle level executives as companies seek to buttress the eroding bonds between them and their employees.
- Lay off The lay off is again a very crucial problem of any set up. The administration must ensure that this should not create panic in the organization. This creates uncertainty and cause demoralization amongst the worker, which ultimately affect the progress. So workers be taken in confidence, the golden handshake scheme may be introduce and purpose of lay off be told to them. They should also be given cushion period in which they should find some alternative jobs for them. In short human aspect must be taken into account prior to announcing the lay off policy.