Indian Lok Sabha – The House of People
The Lok Sabha or the House of People is the lower chamber of parliament. It is a representative house consisting of members directly elected by the people. The Indian constitution has fixed its member at 520. However, through various constitutional amendments (7th, 14th. And 31st) its strength has been changing from time to time. At present members of Lok Sabha are 550 including 20 members from Union Territories who are to be chosen in such a manner as Parliament by law may determine. Under this power the Parliament has enacted the representative of Union Territories shall be chosen by direct election.
Members of Lok Sabha are directly elected by the people on the basis of universal adult franchise secret ballot and joint electorate. 10 seats were served for the scheduled castes and tribes basically for 10 years, which was extended up to 1990. The President may also nominate not more than 2 representatives of Anglo-Indian community to give them representation. The whole country is divided into territorial constituencies without crossing the state boundaries. A state is divided into constituencies according to the seats allocated to it.
Term / Duration
Term of LokSabha is for a period of 5 years however, it can be dissolved earlier. In times of emergency, its life can be extended to beyond 5 years for a year more at a time. But it must be dissolved within 6 months after the expiry of the proclamation of emergency.
A candidate for the lower chamber of parliament must be a citizen of India and should not be less than 25 years. He should not be criminal, an undischarged insolvent or otherwise disqualified by the courts and should not hold a license or contract from the Government.
Presiding Officer
The sessions of lower chamber of parliament are presided over by Speaker and Deputy Speaker, who are elected by the members at the outset of new Parliament. He is responsible for the maintenance of discipline and decorum in the House. He does not vote except when he exercises a casting vote in the case of tie. He represents- the House and is a link between the House and the President. He also presides over the joint sitting of both the House. In case of his absence, his functions are performed by Deputy Speaker. Both of them may be in office by a resolution of House of People passed by a majority of all the members of the House.
The House shall meet at such a tune and place as is fixed by the President of India. However, 6 months should not intervene between two sessions of the House. The President may summon a joint session of both the Houses and may address the joint session of the two Houses or may send his messages if any.
The quorum of lok sabha is 1/10th of the total members of the House.