The word “Ideology” (Late 18th century, from French ideologic, literally “Science of Ideas), is defined as a closely organized system of beliefs, values, and ideas forming the basis of a social, economic, educational or political philosophy or programme. It is also defined as a set of beliefs values, and opinions that shapes the way an individual or a group such as a social class thinks, acts, and understands the world.
The adoption of an ideology is as necessary for a society as food for living beings. The survival of a society with distinction among the nations of the world totally depends on the ideology of that society. If a society has no ideology it cannot survive as a distinct nation.
The ideology of a nation or society greatly affects almost all aspects of the life of those who comprise that society or nation. Education is also affected by the ideology of the nation.
Each society has its own peculiar ideology. People comprising that society have a specific view of life and live accordingly. All their actions are directly or indirectly affected by that ideology. One can see a reflection of that ideology in all walks of their life such as education, values, moral code etc. that is why the ideology forms a firm base for education. The education system of a materialistic society will be based on materialistic principles. The communist society will have its own reflection in its education system. A Muslim society must have an “Islamic Ideology” which can be seen in the Islamic system of education.
Ideological foundations of education help in framing the aim and methods of teachers training. They also help in the selection of purposeful and reasonable content for learners. They also facilitate comparison with the world contemporary ideologies.
In a Muslim country like Pakistan the ideology should be based on the teaching of Quran and Sunnah. It should stress on democracy, social justice and equality. The educational system should be based this ideology.