Principles in Team Teaching
The following principles in team teaching are significant
- The size and composition of the group must be appropriate to its purpose.
- The time allotted to any group must be appropriate to its purpose.
- The learning environment must be appropriate to the activities of the group
- The nature and extent of the supervision of the group activities depends upon the purpose of the group
- The duties assigned to teachers must be appropriate to their special qualifications and interests
Hypothesis Underline Team Teaching
- The best teachers in a school are shared by more students.
- Teachers are provided with a schedule which allows time for better preparation and planning.
- Teachers should have and can have, more exact knowledge of their students
- The best teachers in any system are entitled to recognition
- Teachers can grow and keep abreast of increasing knowledge
- Teachers do not plan and work in isolation, the team approach minimize repetitions efforts
- Students develop better study habits.
- Flexibility permits groping and regrouping of students
- The plan provides for flexible class size
- Resource people from outside the school are more easily used.