Employee Selection Methods & Policies of Organizations
This policy differs from firm to firm, organizations to organizations and establishment to establishments. If some require educated person, other may be requirement physical tough individual or may be requiring gender wise. Some organization may be requiring technical persons. However it all depends upon the nature of requirement of some particular organization.The following polices/methods are used for screening and selection of new man in the organization.
Passive Nondiscrimination
It is a commitment to treat all races and both sexes equally in all decisions about hiring promotion and pay. No attempt is made to recruit actively among prospective minority applicants. This posture fails to recognize that discriminatory practices in the past may block prospective applicants from seeking present job opportunities.
Pure Diversity-Based Recruitment
It is concerted effort by the organization to actively expand the pool of applicants so that no one is excluded because of past or present discrimination. However the decision to hire or to promote is based on the best-qualified individual, regardless of race or sex
Diversity Based Recruitment with Preferential Hiring
This method of selection criteria goes further than pure diversity based recruitment it systematically favor women and minorities in hiring and promotion decisions. This approach is known as a soft quota system.
- Hard quotasrepresent a mandate to hire or promote specific numbers or proportions of women or minority group members.
- During the processes of initial screening the documentations, references, application forms are being checked and preliminary interview may be arranged. In this way a smaller pool of qualified candidates are going to be created.
- The cognitive, work sample, situational tests, personality inventories, polygraphs, interview help in the final selection of the individuals. Technical tests, written tests, drug tests, mental ability test, integrity tests, and computer tests are some of the forms of tests, which are being adopted, by various firms’ organizations, establishments according to their need and requirements.