Community Development is an evolutionary way of change from the traditional life to the progressive way to life. According to Sanders there are four elements of community development.
1. Community Development as a Process
2. Community Development as a Method
3. Community Development as a Program
4. Community Development as a Movement
1. Community Development as a Process
Community Development is a process form one condition to another. It is an evolutionary state of change from lower point to the upper. It is the process of total development of man in a community is the motivation of people towards change in their behavior and mental growth. Thus it can be easily said that C.D is a process of emphasizing social as well as psychological change in human social life.
2. Community Development as a Method
Community development as a method of practical work in the community people is involved in it to bring change and development in the community. It is a method of improvement and progress in which the social organizer play an important role. Social worker goes to the communities met with people and aware them about the socio economic backwardness and its causes in the locality. So, C.D as a method uses by the social organizers to bring people together and work collectively for the improvement and progress of community.
3. Community Development as a Program
It is a set of procedures and having its rules and regulation in the form of programs. There programs are involved in the better improvement of the community people in various sectors. Different programs are working to achieve a variety of specific change and development in community. The community program tries to meet the basic needs and requirements of the people. Basically community development program activities are as under:
- Physical improvements, such as roads, housing, sanitation, drainage, system and farming etc
- Functional activities are health, education, protection, recreation etc
- Social activities including group discussion cooperation, work together, self reliance etc
4. Community Development as a Movement
It is the gradually change in behavior, belief, mental horizon and motivation towards change in human life. As a movement, it is the persuasion of masses to become self reliance and work for the betterment of community. This movement is imposable without the help, cooperation and coordination and also active participation of the people in community programs. When the people identify the need of program as their own, then the process of development starts with full zeal and progress. In this way the process of community development takes place as a movement from lower stages to the peak point.