Editorial Page Definition
This is largely owing to the attempt made by ingenious make-up men to draw the reader’s attention to the editorial page through the arrangement of interesting features and typographical display. “In these days,” says John E. Allen in his “Newspaper Makeup”, “When the average newspaper reader has less time for reading, than formerly when he does more glimpsing than reading and confines most of that glimpsing to the headlines and leading news stories or entertaining features he seems to care little or nothing for newspaper editorials. If his attention is to be captured and held by the editorial page, that page must be unusually attractive physically. It must be even more inviting looking than the general-news pages, and even easier to read”.
Editorial Page Makeup
Advice regarding content and makeup of the editorial page must necessarily be general, since practice differs with different newspapers. As to the editorial content, the following observations must kept in mind while writing an editorial.
- Editorial Column
- Humorous Columns
- Letters from Readers
- Cartoons
- Articles
- Editorial Length
- Typography
Editorial Page Content
In the beginning there were no particular editorial content in newspapers. The news was written in such a form that it also served as an editorial. But, today, almost every newspaper and magazine has a particular editorial page.
No doubt it has been given the name due to the presence of editorials, but other things are also published on this page e.g. masthead. The strip which has the name of newspaper and editor is called masthead. The editorial written under the masthead is called leader, other editorials, (on different topics) are called editorial notes. Usually, the editorial page of newspaper consists of five basic components:
- Editorial (leader, editorial notes)
- Special essays on current events
- Humorous column (for the entertainment of readers)
- Letter to editor (Consists of opinions of readers about any matter e.g. T.V. play. about statements of politician etc.).
- Cartoon, religious column or a column on international affairs.
Editorial Page Layout
Purposes of the editorial page
The editorial page provide a platform for readers to give their opinion in order to:
- Provoke thought and discussion
- Influence the public officials
- Suggest action to be taken
- Provide background and analyses events