Council of Common Interest (CCI)
Article 153 of the 1973 Constitution provides that there shall be a Council of Common Interest – CCI, which shall be appointed by the President of the Republic.
Members of Council of Common Interest
– The CMs of the Provinces
– Nomination of equal number of Federal government members by the Prime Minister
Chairman of CCI
If the Prime Minister is a member of the Council, he shall be its chairman otherwise, the President may nominate a Federal Minister who is a member of the council to be its chairman. The Council is responsible to Parliament for its work.
Functions of Council of Common Interest (CCI)
- Formulation and Regulation of Policies by the council
- Supervision over institutions which are related to matters in Part-5 of the Federal lis.
- If a complaint is made to the Council in writing by the Federal or Provincial Government with regard to supply of water from any natural source due to any executive Act or legislation or due to the failure of any authority in exercise of its power with respect to the use and distribution of water from that source, The commission will includes experts from the field of irrigation, finance, engineering etc. After accepting the Commission report, the Council will be able to go for decision. The issue of water distribution was settled by the Water Distribution Act of 1992.
Rules of Council of Common Interest under 1973 Constitution of Pakistan
The decisions of the Council will be expressed in terms of the opinion of the majority.
- Until Parliament makes provision by law, the Council will make its rules of procedure.
- If the Federal or Provincial Government is not agree with final decision of council, the issue may refer to Parliament for final decision