What are the Different Types of Drugs
Following are the different types of drug used by drug addicts
1. Depressants. Depressants are those, which are taken under the supervision of physician, may be beneficial in treating condition like anxiety, irritability and insomnia etc. when abused depressants drugs produce state of intoxication closely resembling alcohol. These drugs are not controlled by unlawful, that is even if compound are purchased over the counter they have dangerous effects on the user. Some depressants drugs are as follows.
2. Nicotine. It contains tar and produces carbon monoxide, which is absorbed by the lungs. It increases the blood pressure, increases the pulse rate, and lowers the appetite. Users find it relaxing and stimulating. First time users feel sick and dizzy. It affects are immediate and can lost for ten to thirty minutes. It can be smocked through cigarette, pipe and cigar etc. and can be chewed. Nicotine is habit forming causing both psychological and physical dependence.
3. Cannabis. It is a wild plant and mostly found in Pakistan. It has been used for a long time. Its color is green & has a strong smell. It has two main derivatives i.e. chars and bhang.
- Chars. Chars are most widely used drug today. It is form of cannabis resin. It is usually rolled into cigarette and smoked with tobacco. It color is black and brown.
- Bhang. Bhang is a liquid drink which is made of leaves of cannabis. It is prepared by rubbing on a stone slab, sugar, pepper and dried leaves, and can be taken in form a drink.
4. Stimulants. Stimulants are category of drugs that literally stimulates or excite to central nervous system of users.
5. Cocaine. Cocaine is very strong stimulant to central nervous system, including brain. It is one of the most powers full addictive and it is a drug that even kills someone. It can be snorted through nose, smoke through cigarette and also can be injected.
6. Amphetamines. The amphetamines category of stimulants represents other popular but dangerous stimulants drugs. Its takes people feel more alert and energetic and some time its make them feel panicky and anxious. It can be taken in tablets form or in powdered form. IT is usually swallowed, sniffed and injected.
7. Narcotics. The term narcotics signify a legal category of drugs that refer to opium. Generally specking drugs falling in to this category are painkillers that are in dispensable in medical treatment. Repeater use of narcotics will almost certainly manifest itself both physical and psychological addiction. It is obtained from poppy plant.
8. Depressants. Depressants are those, which are taken under the supervision of physician, may be beneficial in treating condition like anxiety, irritability and insomnia etc. when abused depressants drugs produce state of intoxication closely resembling alcohol. These drugs are not controlled by unlawful, that is even if compound are purchased over the counter they have dangerous effects on the user. Some depressants drugs are as follows.
9. Heroine. Heroin depresses the central nervous system but also act as a painkiller, it tends to reduce severity and potentials for aggressive behavior in users. Accompanying affects include a felling of euphoria “Floating” constipation makes concentration and quick reaction difficult and also sleeping etc.
10. Alcohol. Alcohol is a powerful depressant drug it is produced by the fermentation of fruits and vegetables. Alcohol reduces physical and mental performance. It results in sheared speech and unconsciousness. Prolong use of alcohol can cause physical and psychological dependence. It can cause liver disease, heart and brain damage.
11. Barbiturates. The most frequently depressants are barbiturates, which are commonly prescribed to induce sleep. They are known as sleeping pills. After several pills the user will the difficultly in talking concentrating on doing any other work. It is also be used by doctors to people calm. It is taken in pills form.
12. Opium. Opium is obtained from milky discharge from the unripe seedpods of opium, poppy appears soon after the petals begins to fall. It has negative effect on the central psychological dependence.