Interview is a technical matter which requires a thorough knowledge about the situation. Following are the steps in the process of interview.
Get Ready
The first step in conducting an interview is to think deeply about the problem and the process. Thinking about the problem may contains the following points.
- Number of questions in interview.
- Type of questions.
- Number of respondents.
- Fixing of time for interview.
- Length of interview.
- Area of interview.
- Main focus of interview.
Developing Relations with Interviewee
Second step in the process of interview is to develop a friendly environment with the respondent and to get useful information’s during gossip. It include the following points.
- Introduction with respondent.
- Gossip with him on common matter.
- Creation of friendly atmosphere.
Carrying the Interview Forward
During gossip the interviewer change the topic and discuss the main focus point of the interview. He ask questions from the respondents with the help of interview guide in friendly atmosphere.
- Direct conversion from gasping to the focus subject.
- Asking question from the respondent, to the point and accordance to the capability of him.
- Polite manner with the interviewee.
- Friendly discussion.
- Deep listening.
Recording the Interview
After conducting the formal type of interview, the interviewer may be recorded the facts on the spot and in informal and unstructured interview it has to record the data after the end of interview. The information’s must be recorded carefully and in proper manner.
Closing the interview
The last of step in the process of interview is its closing. The interview close the interview in a specific time by saying “Good-bye” or “thank you for your trouble or “Thanks for your co-operation. The main steps involve in this category are as under.
- To select proper time for closing.
- Selection of good and suitable words for the breaking of friendship.
- Departure in gossip manner.