What is Focused Group Discussion
Focused group discussion is an approach which is used to collect relevant information about an issue from the respondents in a friendly meeting, who express their views openly. Focused group discussion consists of the following two panels.
- Research investigators.
- Informants or respondents.
The procedure of the focused group discussion consists of the following points.
- Firstly, the respondents are briefed about the problem.
- Secondly, they are asked some questions related to the problem.
- Thirdly, the respondents gives their views one by one about the issue.
- Fourthly, the recorded audiocassette is changed into written shape by the investigation team.
Focused Group Discussion Guide (A Model)
Assessment of food support Program (FSP) of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal.
Moderator: The following are just the suggestions to find the relevant information’s from the participants of the focused group discussion. Some questions should be asked from them in native language. The objective of the discussion is that to know about the activities of PBM for the poor, needy and downtrodden people. It also helps in making the programe more efficient and to give meaningful information’s for bringing necessary modifications in it. The opinions of the respondents should be greatly respected and must be recorded on a tape recorder.
The following questions should be asked from the participants in native language.
- How you should come to know about the food support programe?
- Do you receive food support from Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal?
- When did this money started to you?
- Does these helps you in fulfilling you basic needs?
- What is the amount given to you per annum?
- What are the major problems regarding to PBM programe?
- How you suggest to overcome these problems about food support?
- Should this support or payment continue?
- How the government can help in the improvement of food support programe?
- What are your views about the eradication of poverty in this country?
The above questions should be asked from the respondents and their views should be recorded till to the end of the discussion. At last a report should be prepared by the investigators team.