Title of Model Research Design
Trends towards Exogamous Marriage in Educated Families in Peshawar
Purpose of the Study
To know about the trends towards exogamous marriage in educated families in Hayatabad District Peshawar
The study is limited to the married as well as unmarried couple in Hayatabad Peshawar distt.
- To know about the Socio-economic causes of exogamy.
- To know about the psychological factors responsible for exogamous marriages.
- To highlight the effects of endogamous leading to exogamous.
- To know about the attractions of exogamous marriage.
The proper place was to study the socio-economic and psychological factors for exogamous in Hayatabad Phase-IV Peshawar.
- Higher the economic benefits in exogamous higher would be the tendency towards exogamous.
- Higher the social & psychological satisfaction in exogamy, higher would be the trends towards exogamous marriage.
- Higher the negative effects of endogamy, higher would be the trends towards exogamous marriage.
- Higher the attractions towards exogamous marriage, higher would be the trends towards exogamy.
It includes the two types, Sampling and Data Collection.
- Sampling total numbers of respondents were 80, in which 40 were male and 40 female.
- Tools of Data Collection Only questionnaire was the tool of data collection because respondents were educated.
To check the validity of questionnaire, five of them were checked which were valid.
Data Analysis
After the validity of data it was passed to editing, classification, tabulation and hypotheses verification.
Duration of the Study
Duration of the study was six months.