Concept of Educational Evaluation
Educational Evaluation is broader in scope and more objective than educational measurement. It is the process of carefully appraising the individual form a variety of information giving device. Resides testing and other tools of measurement, evaluation seeks additional evidences form various sources of information supplementing each other: like interviews, questionnaires, anecdotal records, cumulative records, case conferences, mechanical or electronic recorders, case studies or projective techniques, etc. and the selection, through careful analysis of data, most pertinent to a wise just and comprehensive interpretation to make value judgment of the individual, or group under study.
Definitions of Educational Evaluation
Evaluation is a process that includes measurement and possibly testing but it also contains the notion of value judgment. If a teacher administers a test to a class and computes the percentage of correct responses, it is said that measurement and testing has taken place. The scores must be interpreted which may mean converting them to values like As Bs Cs and so on or judging them to be excellent, good, fair or poor. This process is called evaluation.
So we can say, evaluation is concerned with making judgments about things. When we act as evaluators, we attribute ‘value’ or ‘worth to behavior, objects and processes. In the wider community, for example, one may make evaluative comments about a play, clothes, a restaurant, a book or someone’s behavior. We may enjoy a play; admire someone’s clothes, rave about a restaurant and so on and so forth. Invariably these are rather simple, straightforward comments of value or worth.
Educational evaluation is the continuous inspection of all available information concerning the student, teacher, educational programme and the teaching-learning process to ascertain the degree of change in students and form valid judgment about the students and the effectiveness of the programme. Value judgment on an observation, performance test or and data whether directly measured or inferred is called evaluation.