Tests of Democracy
Democracy is a system of government which is based on the will of the people. In order to know which state or government is democratic, we have found out the following tests:
Does the right of free expression of opinion and opposition exist?
If there is such a freedom that people can say whatever they like and can oppose what they do not like, we can say that there is democracy.
Do the people have’ We right to’ change the government?
‘Democracy is based on the will of the people. It is said that people are the source of all power. In other words it means that it is the people who make and unmake the government. If the people do not have this right, we must sure that there cannot be democracy. For example in Pakistan today it is very difficult for the people to change the government. This shows that there is no democracy.
Is there Equality before Law?
If there are different laws for different people and different treatment is meted out to different people, there cannot be democracy. Basic principle of democracy is: All are equal before law.
Are the rights of the Individual Protected
Under democratic government all people enjoy equal rights. There is no distinction as to high and low, rich or poor, and white etc. Everybody have every right without any distinction. These rights must also be protected. If these conditions are satisfied, we can say that there is democracy.
Are there opportunities for the common man?
If the people do not find difficulty in finding jobs and they can earn their livelihood without any doubt ewe can say that in that society or in that state there is democracy.