Importance of Science as a School Subject
Importance of science as a school subject is necessary for each member of a society. In order to make effective decisions in personal, civic and national affaires, the citizen must have some knowledge of the process and product by which he is fed and clothed, entertained and inspired and defended from the enemies (foreign of domestic). The momentum of technological development is itself a source of pressure the teaching science. At first thought, one might consider school science as a series of subject or courses. Each science subject consists of a body of facts, principles and descriptions of our surroundings, conventional demonstration and laboratory operation. The content of science as we sometime think of it, that which is on the printed page is primarily a record of man’s accomplishment. It is descriptive. It is a kind of history of what man has achieved. It is a major value lies in that we can use it to improve man’s thought and action in the future.
Science as a School Subject
Science as school subject should be far more than description and history. Science is a way of thinking and acting, in school and out. As a school subject it should embody this quality. Science will no produce its full impact on human life until it permeates thought and action. To produce this impact, school science should provide experience far beyond the recapitulation of facts and principles. The science teacher should teacher set, as his goal, the development of scientific behavior in young people. This behavior is characterized by exploration resulting from lively curiosity and by careful, critical investigation of problems. Such explorations and investigation are in themselves as truly “Science” as the printed material in the textbooks.
Purpose of Teaching Science
The purpose of teaching science at school is that we should not expect, of course that every student in the school become a scientist, but we do have reason to expect that every student will become scientific in his thoughts and actions and will have some grasp of the fundamental concepts, principles and facts of science.