Jurisprudence as a Social Science
Jurisprudence is a social science, social science is the study of society or knowledge of conduct and behavior of human being in society.
Society and individual are closely related and interdependent of each other. As society cannot exist without individuals and in turn individual also cannot live without a society. in the society there are some well-known rules and principles to regulate the conduct of individual towards society and towards his fellow being, thus rules are called laws. If there will be no man, there null; be no society and when there will be no law. Similarly, state is a sophistically organized society, their •rules or law regulates the conduct of state and relationships of man towards state and other men.
Jurisprudence is the study of the first principle of law, and the law is for human being and society, therefore we can say that jurisprudence is a social science, and as social science jurisprudence studies relation of man to society and to his fellowmen is so far those relations are regulated by law.
Ethical social sciences are ethic sociology, psychology, economics and politics. Jurisprudence also resembles with these in many respects. Ethics, politics, economics, Sociology, Politics is the systematic knowledge of a subject matter gain through experiments observations.