Meaning of Organization: Organization is a Process
Organization is a process which integrates different type of activities to achieve organizational goals and objectives, to achieve these goals there must be competent management providing them all those factors to perform their job efficiently and effectively. Organization is nothing but is a process of integrating and coordinating the efforts of men and material for the accomplishment of set objectives.
Every thinker is of the opinion that an organization is a process. They further have added that this process lead identification of work to be performed which for convenience sake should be objectively grouped and defined. Then the work should be assigned to individuals according to their aptitude, technical knowledge, skill and efficiency. For satisfactory working the individuals should be given some right and authority. A mutual relationship between jobs (what to be done) duties (to be performed) and authority (to be exercised) should be established. Organization is just like a tool in the hands of management. Net results will be perfect if the tool is well designed and handed properly.
Also Read: Formal Organization Informal Organization Line Organization
Characteristics of Organization
Organization is an effective and necessary instrument for the attainment of predetermined goals. The following are main characteristics of organization.
- Organization is an instrument used by the management for the attainment of preplanned objectives.
- Management guides and directs the organization.
- A set of rules and instrument are communicated to all connected with the organization.
- It prefers to a group of personnel whose positions, rights, responsibilities are well defined and classified according to the nature of assignments.
Nature of Organization
A set of five processes in commonly accepted as five functions of organization which represents nature of organization, they are
- Subdivision of main work into small groups
- Based on principles of equality division of different activities ties
- Selection of suitable personnels and allocation of jobs according to suitability
- Allotments of rights and authority to those who have been assigned the job so that may be able to accomplish their job satisfactorily
- Determination of positions at different levels
Importance of Organization
Any effective organization
- Makes the management simple and efficient
- Encourages specialization
- Improves techniques
- Encourages constructive thinking
- Increase productivity and
- Accelerates the progress
The management asks the organization to accomplish the tasks set-forth before it which an effective organization is capable of achieving through its fruitful organizational framework. This is why it is said that organization is a foundation upon which the whole structure of management can be successfully built.