The good teacher of modern era has a lot of pressure and responsibilities. And only those teachers can fulfill their responsibilities who are dedicated have natural zeal, and training. In the profession of teaching, good teacher should have some good teaching qualities in order to perform his or her role well. Following are the traits of a good teacher:
Teachers are not expected to have patience with those who are not disciplined, lazy or with those who irritate other students in class room. But teachers are professionally responsible to have patience with those students who want to learn or those students who are sincere in their studies.
Passion is the essential element of a good teacher. If teacher is not taking interest in relevant subject, how can he expect his students to? How students will learn those things their teacher not takes interest. Take interest and go ahead to teach it to other.
Up to date Information
A good teacher always brings new information to the classroom. Teachers must have updated information in respective field. One of the qualities of a good teacher is he not only rely of text books but always use other sources to inform he students about new development.
Command over Subject
If you don’t know about something how can some one teach it. Command over subject is necessary every good teacher. Command over subject will prove effective tool.
Also Read: Characteristics of a Successful Student
Situational Analysis
A best teacher always makes adjustment with circumstance. He or she does not stick to a specific syllabus and curriculum.
Positive Attitude
Another quality of a good teacher is that he or she must have positive attitude about him or herself and the role to be played .With this attitude she or he can cover a lot of obstacles.
Strong Control over Classroom
A brilliant teacher has strong control over the class. How large a class may be, a best teacher can easily control over the class through the application of classroom management techniques.
A Professional Reader
A good teacher always studies new materials relating to the profession of teaching. That reading enhances the role of teacher in his or her professional role.
Good Evaluator
Education without evaluation is nothing. Therefore a good teacher evaluation process should be effective in order to promote, repeat and place the students in various learning stages.