What is Child Social Development
When a child grows he does not only show growth and development in physical, mental, and emotional levels, but also on social level too. Child social activities grow with the passage of time, that is called socialization process, which continues throughout the life.
Definition of Child Social Development
Child Social Development defined as:
- It is a process to attain maturity in social relationship
- A learning process to confirm to a group standard, morals, traditions
- A process where new types of behavior is learnt, change in interests occurs and new friendships are developed and
- An adjustment to a new environment
The speed and nature of social development vary from age to age and mental abilities of students / persons. Social development is a learning process which must be very carefully monitored and guided by all those who are incharges or guardians of a child.
Factors of Social Development in Children
The Following are some agencies and factors that affect social development in children:
- Family and Home environment
- School and Teacher Role
- Parental Style
- Peer Group
- Media
1. Family and Home Environment
The status of family has great impacts upon a child. You will see great variations in children. One of the causes of that will be of the family background. In order to have a balance personality’ of a child, there must be great cooperation between parents and their children. As according to Franks: “Home & family is the only institution for child’s socialization and transmission of cultural heritage which shapes the basic structure of child’s personality”. Islam also stresses upon cordial working relationship among the members of family to bring up children and make them useful citizens of society.
2. School and Teacher Role
Next place where most of social development takes place is school and the influencing role of a teacher. The more good and cordial atmosphere is in the school and good relationship with teacher the more good social development will take place.
3. Parental Style
The parental style must be very democratic and involved one for the sack of children. Those children show greater social development and emotional maturity whose parental style is democratic and involved one.
4. Peer Group
In peer group a child gets social independence and make. Some decisions to define his / her role. Here a child shares his /her feelings and emotions independently and get influenced by. The children start self-confidence and from time to time new habits are developed which shape a child personality. The guardians must help the children to be the part of good peer group. As an old saying says:- “Man is known by the company he keeps”.
5. Media
Now a days there is great information explosion. Every person has very easy access to all kinds of information. The most commonly available informational machines are internet, cable TV and Mobile phone system. All these means of information can be used in positive and negative ways. Now it is the responsibility of children’s incharge(s) to guide them on the right path.
In short, Social Development in children is a very important area of learning and building up of balance personality. This is the responsibility of school, teacher, and home / parents that children must be fully developed in social relationship with human sand with the value system of particular society. For social development in children new techniques and methodology must be explored.