Conventions in British Political System
It is not possible to make a complete list of the conventions of British constitution. The following are some of the important conventions of UK constitution.
Conventions Regarding the Queen
1. The Queen calls the leader of the party commanding a majority in the House to form “government.”
2. When a Bill is passed by Parliament, it is sent to the Queen for her assent before it becomes a full-fledged law. Legally, she can reject it. But a convention lays down that she Will not use her veto power. Since 1707, Queen Anne’s time no sovereign has refused assent to a bill, which has been passed by both Houses.
3. The Queen in all political matters normally acts on the advice of her Ministers.
4. It is the responsibility of queen to dissolve the House after consultation with Prime Minister.
Conventions Regarding Cabinet
- The cabinet resigns or secures the dissolution of the House of Commons when the House indicates its lack of confidence on it.
- The Prime Minister always belongs to the House of Commons.
- The cabinet is individually and collectively responsible to the House of Commons for its acts and policies. A vote of no confidence in one Minister is regarded as a vote of no confidence in the whole cabinet.
Conventions Regarding the Parliament
- Parliament session must be called at least, once in year for parliamentary business.
- Money Bills originate in the House of Commons.
- The Speaker of the House of Commons is above party politics and is strictly neutral.
- Only Law Lords take part in the judicial proceedings of the House of Lords when it sits as a court. Lay peers do not participate in the judicial work of the House of Lords.