A Russian philosopher V. Sovovyer in 19th century pointed out that the extreme forms of Nationalism destroy a nation and for the human being, it makes enemies. Following are the example in this regard.
- French Nationalism that was homogeneous in nature maintained by Maximillian. He said I am French, I am representative, happy is happier is the man who can die for your happiness: Napoleon was aggressive and wanted to unify French people by nationalism and 40,000 soldiers were killed by themselves in order to uplift French Flag and the same Nationalism destroyed Napoleon.
- Turkey was once the center of all Muslim states but due to the spirit of nationalism, Islam was eradicated from Turkey and Turkey was declared as a secular state. We know that nationalism is based on same language, same colour and if race that produce hatred against other nation. The same type of nationalism caused of Turkey’s caliphate and was declared as a secular state.
- In Pakistan disintegration took place and East Pakistan was separated on the basis of colour, language, culture and race nationalism because the west was considered themselves superior then Bangali nation.
- Due to destruction of nationalism, people thought that the 20th century Would be the century of internationalism, but when the nationalist poison killed the Austria prince who was visiting Sarajevo, by Serb nationalist. It led to World War-II and this made the nationalism more severe and Hitler and Mussolini appealed to their nationalists feelings that you would once get your past glory and started killing a lot of people committed great crimes against humanity.
- The Nationalism of Germany was challenged by imposing the strict principles of the “Treaty of Versailles.” And due to this Germans revolted and started World War 11. United Kingdom enslaved most of the states of Africa and Asia
- through this nationalism and divided them in a narrow line of nationalism but the same nationalism engulfed both in Asia and Africa because they revolted against UK on the basis of nationalism.
- Israel is also the product of nationalism because, British infused the spirit of nationalism in Arabs and Arabs were revolted against Turkey and supported Jews friends, but after war UK Made Israel state and did not fulfill her promise with Arabs. Thus the Israel state came into being through the spirit of Nationalism.
- Nationalism is based on emotionalism that develops Fanaticism and produces prejudices to other peoples. like in India nationalist have destroyed Babri Mosque, as like in Bosnia a Palestine where nationalism became ugly face. Hagot says “By nationalism illegal things became legal.”
- Nationalism produces artificial barriers among people on various grounds that lead to crime and war.
According to Machiavelli, “For national interest do everything, leave morality.” This statement show that for the sake of material desires man must kill other innocent human being, it means that this nationalism made man animal from human being. Powerful and wealthy nations supporting civil war, bloodshed and disturbance in international level in order to satisfy their nationalistic desires