If you decided to appear in the any competitive exam like CSS, PMS, PCS, or recruitment or entrance tests of NTS or GRE then here you will find best solution. Here you will have suggestions from toppers of competitive exams as well as from a principal of an officer academy. In this article I will share 20 best tips which will really assist the people who are intending to appear in any competitive exams. Keep visiting this website because here you will find best tips and guidance.
Here are the 20 best Tips which will guide you how to prepare for Competitive Exams
If you don’t know the exact answer then leave the MCQs because negative marking rule applies in MCQS in ETEA.
In CSS Select optional subjects very carefully. Try to choose such subjects about which you have interests or sufficient knowledge. Try to select those subjects which are relevant to bachelor or master classes.
Just try to get the basic concept/theme of each question/topic in spite of learning topic/questions by heart.
Invest your time to take the help of past papers it will assist you to understand the structure and format of paper.
Donate enough time to that paper in which you are weak. Make a list of important questions by the help of past papers and prepare them.
Never leave any subjective question and attempt them all.
Precise and to the point answers are more beneficial than irrelevant details.
Attempt that questions first which you think you will give a best answer because it will catch the mind of examiner and leave an impression about your competency.
During the paper remain fresh and confident, Don’t be panic.
Don’t consider that compulsory subjects like Islamic Studies, Pakistan Studies easy and light. Every year in CSS and PMS many students fail in such subjects due to ignoring. You don’t need only passing marks in CSS and PMS, you will have to score 50 % aggregate marks to qualify for written test.
For PMS, if you will take Urdu and History as optional subjects, it will assist you in attempting the compulsory papers of and Pakistan Studies and Urdu General. But mind it, that your aptitude and back ground in any subject is more important.
Law is a highly wide subject even experienced lawyers don’t prefer to choose it.
Some students unknowingly select English Literature as optional subject just for the purpose of improving general English. Its wrong approach.
Keep visiting libraries, browsing internet, reading newspapers and spend maximum time on preparation.
General knowledge, English grammar/vocabulary and creative writing are the keys to success in CSS and PMS so, improve your these skills.
Be confident in interview and psychological test. Having calm mind and confidence in your abilities will result in better performance.
Don’t underestimate your abilities, work hard , try your best and leave the rest on Almighty Allah.
Keep improving your English by reading newspapers and magazines.
WHO IS WHO AND WHAT IS WHAT is best to start your preparation.
Daily write one essay on any subject.
If you have liked these tips for competitive exams then stay in touch with this website for more tips and guidance. Keep visiting other good education website like http://www.studylecturenotes.com/ for your competitive exam preparation.