What is Social Control
Social control is the basic mean of social solidarity and conformity rather than deviance. It controls the behavior, attitudes and actions of individuals to balance their social situation. Man is born free but in chains everywhere he lives. A person living in a society has to adopt certain rules and regulation. These are the social norms on which the whole society is running. For smooth functions and running of these norms these controls are necessary. It regulates harmony and brings unity among individuals of the same group. It also affects socialization process. When social norms are followed by the people of a society, it means that they adopt conformity to society and establish control. The deviancy from these norms leads to punishment may be lighter or serious, which touch the boarder of law.
Meaning of Social Control
It means to bring people of society within the limits and compel them to adopt conformity to social norms.
Definition of Social Control
According to Fairchild, It is the process which helps a society to secure conformity to individuals as well as groups.
Horton & Hunt says that social control is a complete process where a society provides security to its members and conformity to their prospects.
Mannheim says, it is the collection of methods which can help to influence human behavior to retain social order.
It is very clear that it stops deviation to social norms and bring control and conformity in a society. It is the collective behavior through which the process of social order remains constant.
Characteristics of Social Control
Following are three main characteristics
- It is an influence exerted through social suggestions, public opinion, religion and appeal.
- Influence is exercised by society bitterly than a single person or individual, such groups may be in the form of a family, union, club etc.
- Every control as influence exercised by a specific society for the promoting of group welfare. Social control is exercised for some specific ends and goals to achieve by the individual of a collective group.