What is Research Design
Research design is a pre-planned sketch for the explanation of a problem. It is the first step to take and the whole research. Study will conduct on the basis of this research design. It gives us a due that how the further process would be taking place and how would be the research study carry into classification, interpretation and suggestions. This is a guideline for the whole work.
Definitions of Research Design
Some of the researcher & sociologists has given their definitions.
- Vimal Shah: “Research Design is a plan of study whether controlled or uncontrolled and subjective as well as objective”.
- Ackoff: “It is the process of making decisions before the situation arises in which the decisions are to be carried out after for control”.
- Miller: “Researcher Design is a planned sequence of the entire process involved in the conducting of as research study”.
- E.A. Suchaman: “It is a series of guide lines or steps to keep one in right path”.
- Kerlinges: “Research design is a plan, structure and strategy of investigations to obtain answers to the research questions”.
It has been concluded from the above definitions that, “It is pre-proposed sketch, outlines or plan which is prepared for the undertaking of the whole study is future”.
Characteristics of a Good Research Design
Following are some of the main characteristics of research design.
- Objectivity
- Precision
- Reliability
- Validity
- Generalization