Advantages of Democracy
The following paragraphs are in favor of democracy
It has Great Educative Value
Democracy also provides education and training both to the people as well as to the representatives. The people by using their votes elect representatives. They may elect wrong representatives in the first election, in the second election and even in the third election but they are not going to make any mistake the next time. We have the example of the Indian people who rejected Indra Ghandi in 1977 and elected the Janta Party to form the government but within a very short period they realized their mistake and within 22 months fresh elections were held in which Tanta was rejected and Indra and her party were voted into power. This was the political education and training that the people received under democracy. Similarly the representatives also learn from their mistakes if they go against the wishes of the people, they will be rejected. So they try to do things, which are in the interest of people.
Stands for Liberty and Equality
It stands for liberty and equality, because it encourages the people to participate in the affairs of the state. Democracy is a machine. It requires fuel, which is the participation of the people. If the people do not have freedom, they will not participate. This will stop the supply of fuel and democratic machinery will come to a stop. For this purpose liberty is essential and must be enjoyed by the people. Besides under this system one human being remains concerned for the other. This creates the spirit of brotherhood called fraternity.
Welfare of the People
Welfare of the people is a important advantage of democracy. The first reason for this, under this form of government the people have the right to fight for their rights. Secondly it stands for the general welfare because the people themselves are the rulers and therefore support only those policies which are in their interest.
Based on Equality
In democracy the people are treated on the basis of equality. It is a system, which rejects all distinctions of colour, caste, creed, birth, wealth etc. Everybody is given an opportunity to take part in the affairs of the government and make his own contribution towards the welfare of the society.
It is an Efficient Form of Government
Under this form of government since people themselves are directly involved, the government becomes efficient. The representatives know very well that unless they do something for the welfare of the people, they are not going to be elected next time. For this purpose they work devotedly and thus make the governmental machinery efficient.
Democracy Ensures Stable Government
Long ago Aristotle said that, that government is strong and stable which is based on the will and support of the people. Democracy is based on the consent of the people, so it is strong and stable. Besides, it can be changed very easily by the people: So it is also a check on the revolutionary tendencies.
Based on the Optimistic View of Human Nature
Democracy believes that people can be made good by providing training and better environment. It believes that if people are given proper training and they are provided with the basic necessities of life, they can do and achieve great things.
Not Based on Psychology of Power or Fear
Democracy is based not on fear or power. It believes in peace and good relations. It can be successful only when there is peace. Besides it works on the principle that everybody has a right to talk and express his opinion. There is no compulsion that the people should or should not support or oppose a particular party.